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Door Project

Project Background

YEAR: SPRING 2018 - Sophomore Year

Length: 3 Weeks
Class: CAD I​


CAD I taught the skills needed for computer programs. AutoCAD was the primary focus of this course, with a little introduction into Photoshop, Illustrator and Revit. 


For the Door Project, we were to choose a door from around campus that had a detailed facade. It was then up to us to take pictures and measurements to be able to create an elevation of the facade as accurately as we could. This project helped me build a better understanding of the AutoCad program and apply it to real life things.


Westcott is a iconic building on campus. It sits behind the Westcott fountain at the end of College Avenue. The Collegiate Gothic Style building has been on campus since 1910, and was built to house the administration, and the Ruby Diamond auditorium, for the Florida State College. In 1969 the building went under fire, but the exterior was able to be preserved.

Although hard to fully see at this scale, to the right a close up of some of the details on this elevation can be see.

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